"Jermaine" is the thirty-third episode of the sixth season of the American animated television series ''Adventure Time''. In this episode, Finn and Jake are determined to reconnect with their reclusive brother, Jermaine, after Jake dreams of an encounter with him. It was written by Brandon Graham and Jesse Moynihan, who also served as storyboard artists. The episode is the first in the series to have Graham, known for his commercial and personal works in comics, as a writer and an artist. Graham reflected on his enjoyment of producing the episode, explaining that he wrote the beginning and end parts while Moynihan filled in the middle. A show driven by its artists, Graham found that working on ''Adventure Time'' left a lasting impression on the way he writes comics—most notably, his ''Multiple Warheads'' strip. Aired originally on April 23, 2015, on Cartoon Network, over a million and a half viewers watched the episode, including Oliver Sava of ''The A.V. Club'', who gave the episode an A grade in his review for the website. ==Plot synopsis== Jake dreams of his estranged brother Jermaine in what he realizes is mutual dream. This prompts him to visit his brother along with Finn. The two are chased by demons outside Jermaine's house, where he has built a salt barrier that stops the demons from trespassing. Finn and Jake cause chaos inside the house, much to Jermaine's dismay, who tells them he has a responsibility to protect the strange and valuable items that their father Joshua obtained from the demons, who only want to reclaim their stolen possessions. After checking the time, Jermaine rushes for the hallway and goes down a trapdoor to flip a cassette tape stuffed in a teddy bear, maintaining a force field holding Bryce, a demon like the rest. Here, Bryce has been detained since he tried to reclaim a poster Joshua stole from him. While Jermaine admits his indifference toward Bryce's grudge with his father, he has no intent to free him after all of the psychotic death threats he makes to him. Afterwards, the brothers go upstairs and fry rice for a meal. When Jermaine compliments the meal, Jake reveals that he used the salt consisting the barrier of the house. One of the demons cross through the gap Jake has made from this. Jermaine vacuums up the demon and fixes the barrier. Jermaine gets angry and reveals his jealousy toward Finn and Jake's easygoing lifestyle, while he has to stay behind and watch his parents' old treasures. He pelts Jake with random objects—one of which combusts and sets the house on fire. Jermaine continues to punch Jake, who flatulates. This causes Jermaine to laugh and realize what hoarding these posessions has done to himself. Finn tries to put the fire out, but Jermaine—who has now come to terms with his life—allows the house to burn. The demons leave later in the morning. Jermaine's watch alarm suddenly goes off, and he runs over to the trapdoor to find Bryce crawling out while clutching the poster. Jermaine and Bryce, now at peace with each other, walk off into the woods, with Jermaine nagging Bryce for being cynical and pessimistic about life. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Jermaine (Adventure Time)」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク